Lead and Carding Agreements


Encrypted Signals are never allowed when leading, following suit or discarding. Otherwise:

  1. Opening lead: Any method may be used on opening lead. (Leading low from doubletons must be pre-alerted.) 
  2. First discard: Any method may be used on the first discard.

Following Suit & Discarding: Except for the first discard, only high-to-low or low-to-high ordering strategies are allowed when following suit or discarding.

  • Note: Distinct meanings for middle cards (vs. highest and lowest) are permissible.

  • Note: Defining meanings for specific spots (2,4,6…), as opposed to relative high/low agreements, are permissible only on the first discard.

    [When asked by opponents for your carding method, the proper response would appear to be both your first discard method and if low-to-high ("upside-down") or distinct middle card meanings are being used on other than first discards (e.g.: "Odd-Even and upside-down"). If a first discard method is being used but otherwise high-low, just name the method (e.g.: "Odd-Even") If none of these are being used, the proper response is "standard".]

    In addition, a pair may be prohibited from playing any carding method when they are deemed to be playing it in a manner that does not maintain proper tempo. A decision that prohibits a pair from playing a particular carding method may be appealed to the tournament committee.