Transfer to Minors in NT
With a "bust": "Invitational": If you play with a random partner and agree to play SAYC in general, you are expected to play the above bids unless you agree to other methods. The rest of the bids on this page are not part of SAYC.
The problem with this method is that you can no longer make a direct 3 bid as invitational to 3N, although you can still bid 2N to invite game in NT and this has the advantage of not revealing your hand to the opponents. Another option given on the site which lets opener show target suit quality is this:
3 - normal acceptance of the club transfer 2N - super acceptance of the club transfer. To super-accept a diamond transfer, opener would bid 3. If a super-accept solidifies the honors in responder's hand to give him 6+ quick tricks, he can bid 3N (or more if he had intended to bid more to show slam interest).
With a maximum, opener bids 3 and responder...
3 only shows 3NT interest, so following are some non-SAYC alternatives: Using a direct bid of 3 to show slam interest.
3 - 4 4 - 6 |