Takeout DoublesContents:
Responses To TOX Rebids By Doubler Takeout Doubles By Opener Hold down the Shift key while clicking on a link to open a file in a new window. Takeout Double is often abbreviated TOX because X is a common abbreviation for double. BidBase just uses "D" for double because it is more efficient and easier to create tables and databases when all calls can be represented by one letter: It is easily distinguished from Diamonds because when abbreviated, D for diamonds always has a number in front of it. This file covers standard TOXs. An alternative to standard TOXs is Minimum OffShape Takeout Doubles (MOST Doubles). As with the strong offshape TOX, MOST Doubles do not promise support for the unbid suits, but do promise opening strength and 2+ defensive tricks. Takeout Doubles can be bid other than in the direct position, but this file's emphasis is on doubles in direct position (where doubler is directly behind opener). Advancer is doubler's partner. Also see Balancing for information about balancing doubles. Takeout Double RequirementsTakeout or Not?
P - Dbl The second double is still takeout because partner passed the first one. Had the bidding gone: 1 - Dbl - P - 2 2 - Dbl The second double is penalty because partner already bid his hand. The April 23, 2019 "Aces" newspaper column by Bobby Wolff says that in the bidding 1 - P - 1 - 2
May 2019 ACBL Bridge Bulletin, page 40, shows 5 A643 Q643 AKQJ with the bidding: 1 - D - 1N - 2
Shape:A standard TOX promises support for the unbid suits. Ideally, the support should be at least 4 cards in each suit, but as a practical matter, 3-card support is acceptable, particularly when 3 suits are unbid and you have a good hand. On the other hand, with both a 5-card major and a 4-card major, with a weak hand it is better to get the 5-card major into play first. If the doubler's LHO passes, doubler's partner is forced to bid (to take out the double, as opposed to leaving it in), even with no points. This is why the doubler must have support for any suit partner might bid. The exception is when doubler is strong enough to bid again even when partner has little. This usually requires 18+ HCP or equivalent playing strength.(1)
Another possible exception to the TOX showing 4 of the unbid major is in 4th chair when three suits have been bid. Then a TOX is often used to show exactly 5 of the unbid major and 2 to 3 card support for partner's minor. If partner's suit is a major, then the bid shows 2-card support along with a 5-card suit, since with 3-card support for a major in this situation, you would just raise partner's major. See the bidding database for alternatives to this meaning of a double after 3 suits have been bid. Equal Level Conversion (ELC) is a third exception to having support for all unbid suits. ELC is when you have a two-suited hand, such as 4=1=6=2 and RHO opens 1. You can double, hoping partner will bid your 4-card Spade suit, but if he bids 2, you can bid 2 (on an "equal level" to his 2) without promising great strength. To use ELC, you and your partner must agree to it in advance and the opponents must be told. In It's Your Call, the hand AQ84-J5-Q-AQT976 was shown with RHO opening 3D. Eleven experts bid 4C, saying that D is wrong because partner will likely bid hearts, but the 8 who did double hasbetter reasoning, in my opinion. Meckstroth said: lots of good things could happen. Partner could pass, bid spades 3N, 4C - all of those are great. If he bids hearts, I will have to guess to pass or bid 4C. All but one pro said that bidding something is a must, and 4C bypasses spades and 3N. I read somewhere that the bid that gives partner the most reasonable options is the one to make. The only problem is if partner thinks that pulling the double to 4C shows a big hand, but if you are playing Equal Level Conversion, he should give you the benefit of the doubt on this sequence. Strength:With a weakish hand, shape is more important than strength because with shortness in opener's suit and support for all the other suits, the chances are very good that you will find at least an 8-card fit with partner, and the Law Of Total Tricks tells us that you are usually safe on the 2 level with an 8-card fit, no matter how many points you have.The real risk of doubling with a very weak hand is that partner may take you seriously and jump (or compete) to game, so it is best to have 13+ HCPs, although with a lot of intermediates and perfect shape (4-card or better support for each unbid suit), you can go as low as 10 HCPs. As mentioned above, with a strong hand (18+ HCPs), you can double without having support for every unbid suit, then bid again your next turn to show your strength. Responses To TOXWhen RHO PassesWith 0-8 points: When your partner makes a TOX and your RHO passes, you are forced to bid, even with no HCPs. Simply bid your longest and strongest suit at the lowest possible level. On 1-13-2006, Becker says to jump to 4 with AQ97432-Q3-7-Q84, but on 10-07-2022, Bobby Wolff says to bid 1 with KJ97652-42-74-T9 with the very reasonable argument:
2N shows a balanced hand with a stopper in opener's suit. HCP point requirements vary from 8-11 down to 5-10. (See ACBL's web page. Also see Notrump Responses below. If bidding goes 1-D-P and you don't have enough HCP to bid 2N, then you have to bid 3 of your longest suit unless it is your opponent's suit, then you bid the cheapest of your longest suit, which may be a 3-card club suit. When the TOX is of a Weak Two and responder would have to bid a new suit on the 3 level, Bobby Wolff (who writes the Aces On Bridge newspaper column) says in his Nov.3, 2018 column:
With 9-11 points: Jump a level. After 1-D-P, this means jumping to the 3 level to show 9-11 HCPs. In Takeout Doubles, Mike Lawrence says: You kind of hate to [jump to 3-level, such as A jump of 1 level is invitational, not forcing, since doubler may have acted with as few as 10 HCPs and perfect shape. Also note that you may find yourself in a 4-4 fit on the 3 level with 9 HCPs opposite 10 or even in a 4-3 fit if doubler has a few more HCPs. (This is where MOST Doubles has some advantages. Any bid on the 2 level in MOSTD shows 9-11 HCPs, giving doubler more room to bid, and a 2-level bid by advancer is forcing in MOSTD. Finally, a 2-level bid other than 2C by advancer shows a 5+ card suit.) With 12+ points and a good suit: Jump 2 levels. Again, if your suit is lower ranked than opener's, this means jumping to the 4 level, which is often going to impede your search for the best contract. With 12+ points and no other clear bid, cue bid opener's suit. You may also cue bid with fewer points and equal support for the majors, asking doubler to pick a major. Most experts play that a cue bid is forcing to game when followed by bidding a new suit or notrump, but is only invitational when you raise partner's suit.
When RHO Bids A SuitWhen doubler's LHO intervenes, the odds of either side having game are greatly reduced to highly distributional hands, in which case BOTH sides may have game. But most of the time, you will be competing for the partscore, which means you should bid early to increase your chances of finding a fit at a low level. Therefore, responder should be able to compete with only a few points without doubler getting carried away. On the other hand, when your RHO bids, you are no longer forced to bid, since doubler will get another chance to bid, so you should have at least a few HCPs and/or a good suit. How many HCPs do you need to bid when RHO has bid? In Bidding Dictionary, Truscott says 4-7 HCPs, but gives no further explanation. In Takeout Doubles, Lawrence says that after (1)-D-(1): J872-873-KQ2-762 is about minimum for a 1 bid, which is 6 HCPs, but then says to bid 2 with 5-873-KJT73-9873, which is only 4 HCPs. We take this to mean that with only 4-5 HCPs, you should have a decent 5+ card suit, especially if you are bypassing an unbid suit which may turn out to be doubler's best suit, forcing him to bid higher. But with 6+ HCPs, you can bid almost any junky 4-card or longer suit, especially on the 1 level and if you are not bypassing any unbid suits.. In the March 2017 Bridge Bulletin's It's Your Call, p. 43, the following hand was given: KJ942 KT62 J QJ6 (11 HCP, 13 total points) with bidding of 1 - Dbl - 1 and the 15-person panel of top experts gave 5 different bids with the top two bids only getting 5 votes each.
What does a Double by advancer show? After, say, 1-Dbl-1, Bidding Dictionary says that a double is for penalty and tends to show that RHO has psyched. By definition, a psych is rarely used, Also, Bidding Dictionary is an older book which does not reflect today's (2019) practice of making light bids where all 4 players could have the current requirements for their bids. So it seems more useful to have the double show something other than "that RHO has psyched", such as exactly four cards in the unbid major(s). Then, just as in Negative Doubles, a free bid such as 1-D-1-1 or 1-D-1-2 shows 5+ cards in the suit. The distinction between having 4 or 5 cards in a suit is very important so that doubler knows how high he can compete based on the Law of Total Tricks. To illustrate: partner may have made a Takeout Double with only 3 of your major. If you make a free bid with only 4 in the suit, you may already be too high if you had to bid on the 2 level. Or if partner has 4-card support, but opener's rebid forces doubler to the 3 level, a Total Tricks bid requires him to know if you have 4 or 5 for your bid. And if he passes it back to you, then even if you have 5, you cannot bid on the 3 level without knowing if partner has 3- or 4-card support. In the August 2019 Bridge Bulletin, p.42, #4, the hand So to recap:
An exception to the above is that after 1-D-1, a double should show 4-4 in the majors, so a bid of 1 or 1 can be made with just 4 of the suit without 4 of the other major. Since you make this bid on the one level, if doubler does not have support for your major, he can bid his own suit without getting too high. If you have a hand like 9876 AT54 3 AT84, you might think that you should bid the better suit, but the trade-off is that partner may have doubled with 4=3 in the majors and you might end up on a 4-3 fit instead of a 4-4. If the heart suit is great, like AKJ8, then being in a 4-3 fit may be better than a 4-4 fit where both hands have weak spade suits. When RHO raises opener: When RHO raises opener, the odds increase that your side also has a fit, particularly if you have 4+ cards in what is an unbid major. The assumption then becomes that doubler does have 4-card support the great majority of the time, so with 4+ of the major, you should just bid it. In this case, a double by advancer initially emphasizes the minors. An example hand is 843 75 AT42 K984. Partner knows that you are emphasizing the minors and do not have 4 Spades since you didn't just bid Spades outright, but he may bid Spades to play in a 4-3 fit if he thinks that's preferable to bidding a minor one level higher. However, you could also double with 43 875 AT42 K984, and if doubler bids Spades, you have to correct to Clubs. You can also double with 4 very bad cards in the unbid major, such as 8654 2 QT52 K963. Also see the file on Responsive Doubles. When you have a long suit and a weak hand: In the Nov.2005 issue of the ACBL Bulletin, page 35, #5, is the hand T98762 952 962 7 and bidding up to it of 1-D-1. Out of 19 experts, 11 passed, intending to balance later, but 8 bid 3 at favorable vulnerability to preempt the opponents now. At the time this is written, BidBase passes.
When RHO RedoublesWhen RHO redoubles, both Truscott (in Bidding Dictionary) and Lawrence (in Takeout Doubles) say that you should jump to the 2 level with a 5-card suit, regardless of HCPs. Pass is for penalty when the opponents have bid on the 2 level or higher. For example: 2H-D-R-? Pass is for penalty. Pass is also for penalty if advancer is sitting over the bidder. Example: 1S-P-2S-D-R-? Pass is for penalty. Otherwise, pass is S.O.S. and asks doubler to bid his best suit. In the first two cases, where pass is for penalty, what do you do with a bust and no good suit to bid? Mike Lawrence suggests bidding 2N, which could show a real hand (see next section), but if someone doubles, you redouble, which is S.O.S.
Notrump ResponsesWhen RHO passes, advancer can bid 1N with a stopper in opener's suit and 7-10 HCPs if you go by Alan Truscott's Bidding Dictionary or 4-11 HCPs if you go by Mike Lawrence's Takeout Doubles. Lawrence also says to jump to 2N with a stopper and 12-13 HCPs versus 11-12 HCPs per Truscott. A jump to 2N is not forcing since doubler may have acted with perfect shape and as few as 10 HCPs. Finally, Lawrence recommends jumping to 3N with a long minor, and gives as an example the hand T KJ9 AQ7652 T75. His rationale is: 1. [Doubler] will not have enough points to go 2. [Doubler] doesn't have 5 or 6 Spades [so he
Except that doubler may have a shapely 17 or 18 HCPs, leaving 12+ HCPs for opener with which to open, and if doubler is, indeed, that strong, he would double even with 5 or 6+ Spades and he might have very strong interest in slam, depending on your response. When RHO raises opener, Mike Lawrence makes a convincing argument that you do not want to bid 2N with a balanced 11+ HCPs and stopper(s) in the opponents' suit. Instead, he recommends bidding 2N with an unbalanced hand with a 5+ card minor headed by honors.
When Double of a 2-BidAfter (2)-D-(P), you can no longer jump to the 3 level (or higher) to show 9+ HCP. With <11 HCP, make a non-jump response. For an example, see the June 2021 Bridge Bulletin, p.39, #7 with J854-A4-J73-K842. Rebids By DoublerWhen doubler's LHO bids and partner passes, then if opener makes a minimum bid (or passes), a 2nd double is for takeout, not penalty. While the first TOX may be made on less than 4-card support for each unbid suit, the 2nd double promises at least 4-card support. When doubler's LHO bids and partner doubles, he is asking doubler to pick a suit. When LHO redoubles and partner passes, it is an S.O.S. pass indicating that partner has a weak hand with no good bid of his own and asking doubler to bid his best suit. When LHO passes and advancer makes a non-jump bid...
If opener doubles, the original doubler can jump-raise with the same hand with which he made a simple raise over a pass by opener. Again, the purpose is to keep LHO out of the bidding. If opener bids a new suit, doubler can make a simple raise with a slightly weaker hand than if opener had passed (but still must have 4+ trumps). A 2nd double (rather than raising) is for penalty. If opener rebids his suit, a double is Responsive, promising 18+ HCPs and 3-card support. When LHO bids and advancer competes...
When LHO bids 1 of a major and advancer bids 2 of a minor, advancer generally has a better hand than when bidding 1-over-1. If opener passes, then... When LHO bids 1N and advancer bids 2 of a suit, he is showing a weak hand with a 5-card (maybe longer) suit. Any further bids by doubler should reflect that. When LHO raises opener and advancer bids, LHO is limiting his hand, thus advancer's hand tends to be a little stronger, on average, plu his bid will still be based on a 5+ card suit. When LHO redoubles and advancer bids, advancer's strength and suit length are the same as if LHO had passed, except that with no clear bid, advancer will pass and leave the choice to doubler. If partner bids 1N, a bid of 2C or 2D by doubler shows a 5-card suit and is an attempt to get to a better contract than 1N. In the July 2018 Bridge Bulletin, p. 51, Jerry Helms says if doubler's LHO redoubles, he typically has 10 HPC to go with opener's 11+ HCP. Jerry says to add these to doubler's HCP to calculate how many HCP doubler's partner may have and let that be doubler's guide in making his next bid. When LHO passes and advancer jumps... Doubler may pass, since a jump by advancer is only invitational. Advancer may also have only a 4-card suit, so any action by doubler should be based on that (i.e.: don't raise with 3 trumps and a blah hand). When LHO bids and advancer jumps... Action by doubler depends on whether the jump is, by agreement, weak or strong. Takeout Doubles By OpenerWhen the opponents bid and opener's partner passes, opener can invite partner to bid by making a takeout double. In fact, when opener's LHO bids and RHO passes, opener should stretch to reopen with a double when short in LHO's suit in case partner trap-passed. (See Negative Doubles.) When LHO makes a takeout double and his partner bids a suit, a double is for takeout, showing at least 3-card support for the unbid suits. The same is true if LHO overcalls and RHO raises. The same applies for overcaller after opener's partner raises and it is passed back to overcaller -- a double shows support for the unbid suits. In his book Takeout Doubles, page 73, Mike Lawrence says that the doubler has no reason to hope for [partner] to have a big hand, so he needs two or three extra points to double after, say, 1-1-P-2, and shows as an example: QJ9 6 AQ82 AQJ82, which is a 16-HCP hand. Yet on page 80, he shows a balancing double with only 12 HCPs: J72 AJ7 3 AQT976. In BidBase, we have gone with the "2-3 extra points". If you want to stick your neck out with 12-HCP hands, change the database. Notes1. Regarding the number of points required for doubler to bid a new suit after partner has bid -- In the November 2018 ACBL Bridge Bulletin, p. 63, Billy Miller says in his column that such a bid shows a "big hand... there is no need to have an exact number [of points]" Nevertheless, BidBase uses 18 points (including distribution) as the requirement for making such a bid, absent any authoritative discussion of what constitutes a "strong hand" with fewer points. In the June 2022 Bridge Bulletin, page 60, Karen Walker shows AJ84-_-QJ-AKQJ943, an 18-HCP hand, and says that it isn't much of an underbid to say 2 over RHO's 1 with the benefit of not distorting hand shape. Even with the 19-HCP hand _-KQJ98-KQ5-AKJ76, three-quarters of a bidding panel overcalled 1 rather than doubling first, according to Walker.