Sandwich 1NT
Example: 1 - Pass - 1 - 1N
1N shows the two unbid suits - clubs and hearts in the above example - and 5-10 HCP.
This is similar to the Unusual 2N and Michaels except those conventions show 11+ HCP.
Partner bids the suit he likes best.
A jump raise is preemptive.
A cuebid is invitational to game.
Pros and Cons:
In the Nov.2022 Bridge Bulletin, p.56, Jerry Helms says of the Sandwich Notrump convention that he thinks that a better use of the 1N bid (when the opponents have bid different suits) is to show stoppers in those suit and a strong hand, such as KJ AQ8 QJ75 KJ85 with bidding of 1-P-1-1N.