Meckwell Escapes
means OR
ME is used after partner has opened 1N and RHO has doubled for penalty (ask to make sure it is not showing suit(s)).
Responder's bids after 1N-(Dbl):
Pass = relay to 2
Redouble = natural
2 = s & , 4-4 or better
Opener bids 2 to ask for the higher suit.
2 = s & , 4-4 or better
Opener bids 2 to ask for the higher suit (which could be Hearts).
2 = 5+ of the suit bid.
Responder's Rebids After 2 by Opener:
2 = 5+ diamonds
2 = s & s, 4-4 or better.
With 4-3-3-3, there is no good bid. Either treat the 4-card suit as 5, or the 4-card suit and the best 3-card suit as a 2-suiter.