Jordan 2NT

Jordan 2NT is a limit raise or better when partner opens 1 and RHO makes a takeout double. It shows 10+ points and 3- or 4- card support, depending on partnership agreement. 

Using Jordan leaves a bid of 3 of opener's major free as a preemptive raise with 4 of the suit and 5-9 points.

If Jordan is used to show 4-card support, it creates a problem of what to bid with 10+ points and only 3-card support. One option is to have Jordan show only 3-card support. Another option is to redouble, which implies no fit, but does not actually deny a fit.

Of the two options, having Jordan only promise 3-card support seems the simplest and safest. It also leaves redouble free to show a natural 2N hand.

Opener's Rebids

    3 = 13+ points plus ONE of the following hands, per partnership agreement:  
    1. 4+ of the 2nd minor suit bid  
    2. "Help Suit Game Try":
        3-4 of the suit asking partner to bid game with strength in the suit. 
    3. "Short Suit Game Try":
        <2 of the suit, asking partner to bid game with no wasted values in the suit.

    3 = If opener originally bid 1, this is a signoff;
       otherwise, it is 4+ , invitational, and forcing.

    3 = If opener originally bid 1, this is a signoff;

       otherwise, it is 4+ and game forcing.