Invisible Cuebid
If after partner has opened, RHO makes a call which shows two suits, such as Michaels or Unusual NT, then a bid of one of those two suits by opener's partner is an "Invisible" Cuebid, so named because it is a cuebid of a suit which has not yet been bid.
Example: 1 - 2 where 2 overcall shows 5-5 :
If opener's partner bids Hearts or Spades, it is an Invisible Cuebid. Any other bid is as shown.
- 3 - Jump shift in a new suit = weak
- 4 - Jump raise = weak. Since opener may have 3, responder should have 5+.
- 2 - New Suit = 6-9 HCP, good 5+ cards. Not forcing ("NF").
- 3 - Raise = 6-9 HCP. NF.
- Dbl = 10+ HCP. Forcing. Any subsequent suit bid is natural; same for Pass then bid = NF
- 2N = 9-11 HCP. Natural, but also with a fit. NF.
- 3N (jump) = 12-14 HCP. Natural with fit. NF
- 3N (non-jump; e.g.: 1-2N-3N) = 9-14. Natural with fit. NF
- 2 - Cuebid lower suit = 10+ HCP. Raise of opener's suit ( in this example)
- 2 - Cuebid higher suit = 10+ HCP. 5+ cards in the 4th suit ( in this example). Forcing.
Opener's rebids after 4th suit cuebid (2 in this example):
2N or 3 - rebid NT or his original suit = a minimum. NF.
3 - raising the 4th suit = forcing below game.
- 3 - Jump cuebid in either suit = 13+ HCP. Splinter. Game force.