Here are a few abbreviations BidBase often resorts to in the interest of conciseness, as well as a few technical bridge terms. Please refer to the BidBase help files for more information on the use of these abbreviations and other terms. For a more extensive list of bridge terms, see this Wikipedia page.
rather than
1-2 shows at least 5 diamonds and 11+ HCP 1-2 shows at least 5 clubs and 11+ HCP 1-2 shows at least 5 diamonds and 11+ HCP When the suit icons don't change, it means the suit is raised, such as 1-2 which is the same as saying 1-2 or 1-2. C, D, H, S, N, x, T - suit abbreviations used in bids, where C=Clubs, D=Diamonds, H=Hearts, S=Spades, N=Notrump, x="x" Suit (see the Editor file), T=Trump suit agreed by the bidding; e.g.: on bidding of 1S-P-2S, then a reference to T, as in 4T, means 4S. Some bids, such as slam bidding conventions, may use TA, TK, TQ to indicate the trump Ace, trump King, and trump Queen. Other bidding abbreviations include D=Double, R=Redouble, and P=Pass. Obviously, in 1C-D the D means double while in 1C-1D the D means Diamonds. When showing cards in a hand, T means "10" not "Trump". Using N, D, R, P and T saves a little space but mainly it allows columns of bids to line up better. It also makes calls in a bidding sequence uniform as each call takes only 1 space.
bid - some number of a suit or notrump. See call. BON - Bid Order Number. (See docs.) call - any bid, as well as double, redouble, and pass. CHO - Center-Hand Opponent (sarcastic). Your partner. See LHO, RHO. constructive raise - bidder believes the contract belongs to his side; searching for the best contract.
preemptive raise - contract belongs to opponents; trying to hinder their finding the best contract. docs - documentation. Help files for BidBase as well as for many conventions. HCP - High Card Points, where Ace=4, King=3, etc. Just saying "Points" include distribution. Lefty - The player on the bidder's left. See LHO. LHO - Left-Hand Opponent. The player on the left of bidder. Losing Tricks - see this page Opp - opponent. pard - your partner. See CHO. QTs - See: Quick Tricks in the docs. responder - partner of opener or of any player making a conventional bid. See advancer. RHO - Right-Hand Opponent. The player on the right of bidder. Righty - The player on the bidder's right. See RHO. sac - sacrifice: a bid expected to go set for fewer points than the opp's could make in their suit. S.O.S. redouble - asks partner to bid his best suit to get out of a doubled contract. specs - specifications for an entry, such as HCP.
Theoretically, it should contain as many high cards as there are outstanding cards in the suit ["really solid"]: nine to the A-K-Q might lose a trick if all four missing cards are in the same opponent's hand [so a 9-card suit must be headed by the AKQJ].
Culbertson's rule of thumb is that a suit is "solid" if half the outstanding cards are in one hand and could still be picked up by successive leads.
In the chart below, the 2nd number under Suit Length is the number outstanding which is the number of top cards the suit must have to be "Really Solid", limited by the length of the suit, of course. That number divided by 2 is the number of top cards a suit must have to be "solid" by Culbertson's Rule.
Culbertson's definition is used in BidBase. Bidding Database codes:These are codes used in BidBase's database entries. See CardShark BidBase Editor Input Boxes for more information.For Cnv, Sub, and Pct:
T = They [blank] = both use it 0 = neither side uses it
0 in Sub deselects ALL entries for the same Subcategory of the same Convention. 0 in Pct deselects only the current entry. Pct:
I = for IMPs only. D = Double Dummy Analysis 0-99 = percent of time to use one of 2+ alternative bids. [Blank] = always use it unless Cnv or Sub is 0. Hand Strength:
HCP2N = range of HCPs a hand must be in for 2NT Min = minimum for an adjusted NT opening (either 1NT or 2NT); Min+ = anything more than the minnimum Min+1 = the middle value for opening NT Min+2 = the maximum for opening NT Min+3 = 1 over the maximum for opening NT (e.g.: a "bad" 18 if 1NT is 15-17) Min-1 = 1 under the minimum (e.g.: a "good" 14) 1N+2+3 = 2 over 1N Min to 3 over 1N Min (e.g.: 18-19 if 1NT is 15-17) 2N+2+3 = 2 over 2N Min to 3 over 2N Min (e.g.: 22-23 if 2NT is 20-21) Distribution Points:
T... = Total HCPs + distribution points. (e.g.: T11+, T6-10, T<15) Suit Point Specs: Suit points can be specified in the usual manner: 2-4, 4+, <=2, etc A or K specify Ace or King for a suit. Points may be specified by using the following codes:
a = "AK, KQ, or AQ" b = "AJT, KJT, or QJT" c = "KQJ, AQJ, or AKQ" d = "AKQJ, KQJT, AKQT, or AKJT" 2stop = "AK, AQ, AJTx, AT98x, KQJ, KQT, KQ9x, KJTx, or KT9x", 1stop = "A, Kx, QJx, QT9x, Q98x, JT9x, J98xx, or T98xx" hstop = half-stop = "Qxx or Jxxx". (See Western Cue Bids.) 0stop = no stopper. (Opps can take 5 tricks off the top.) FRC = First Round Control (either an Ace or Void) SRC = Second Round Control (either King or Singleton) P = honors are protected by the bidding. i# = Intermediates (e.g.: 4+i1 means 4+ HCP and 1 intermediate.) X-suit Specs: (See the editor's doc file for more detail.)
"U" tells BB to bid "up-the-line" from Clubs to Spades. "x,4+" says that if a suit does not match the "x" specs, it must have at least 4 cards. When entering a number requirement for a suit, entering "<x" says that the suit is not an x-suit itself but that it must have fewer cards than the x-suit. You can also use <=x, >x, >=x.
F = Fav = Favorable (opponents are vulnerable, you are not) V = Vul = You and opponents are vulnerable (If opponents are not, use U/Unfav.) N = Not = You and opponents are not vulnerable (If opponents are not, use F/Fav.) E = Eq+ = Equal or Favorable (either F, V, or N) If you leave the field blank, than any vulnerability is accepted. Position:
2 = bidder is in 2nd seat 3 = bidder is in 3rd seat 4 = bidder is in 4th seat F = bidder is in First or Second seat T = bidder is in Third or Fourth seat. Y = bidder is a passed hand N = bidder is an unpassed hand P = bidder's partner is a Passed hand U = bidder's partner is an Unpassed hand If the field is left blank, it means that position does not matter. Asks Partner:
Cx = Control in suit bid Bx = examples of "x": B2C, Bm = bid a minor, BM = bid a major P = Pick a suit or pick a slam. D = Decide on final contract. (Also see PC.) A = number of Aces K = number of Kings KC = number of key cards 1 = 1-round force G = Game force. PC = Pass or correct SO = Sign-Off. Disclosures for opponents if asked:
Hx = invites to game if partner can help in suit 'x' (x = HC, HD, HH or HS).
Here are some codes used:
H shows a help suit for partner. S shows a short suit. C is a cue bid of an Ace or King. Abbreviations for some sources:
BD - Alan Truscott - Bidding Dictionary Becker - newspaper column Cohen - Larry Cohen's web site Bul - ACBL Bridge Bulletin BW - Bridge World MB - Marty Bergen - P-S (Points Schmoints) MH - Max Hardy (Bidding For The 21st Century) ML - Mike Lawrence (various books) |